داستان آبیدیک

military diplomatic activity


1 سیاسی و روابط بین الملل:: فعالیت دیپلماتیک نظامی

The first section describes the stated and hypothesized objectives underlying the PLA military diplomacy program, outlining a number of military diplomatic activities and how they might correspond to the overall goals of the PLA foreign military relations program. The second section examines trends in PLA military diplomatic activities, examining both the quantitative increase in activity and the increasing diversity of activities the PLA is carrying out. PLA scholars consider a coherent military diplomacy strategy a "necessary part of the national interest," arguing that military relations can "serve as a planning construct for national strategy . . . contain actual or perceived enemies . . . and spur national and military construction."12 The spectrum of military diplomatic activities is broad, including "military alliances, strategic dialogues, trust-building measures, military negotiations, military intelligence exchanges, military technical cooperation, international military work, border cooperation, international military personnel training, military support activities, military trade, and military academic exchanges."13 Chinese military diplomatic activities largely conform to the PLA's peacetime conceptions of military diplomacy. Much of the PLA's current military diplomatic activity is focused on protecting and ad-vancing specific Chinese strategic interests.20 Chinese foreign policy emphasizes managing stra-tegic relations with great powers such as the United States and Russia and engaging countries on China's periphery; Chinese military diplomacy emphasizes interactions with the United States, Russia, and countries in the Asia-Pacific region.21 China is increasingly dependent on oil and natural gas imported from the Middle East and Africa; the PLA Navy's (PLAN's) counterpiracy presence in the Gulf of Aden facilitates strategic ties in the Middle East and Africa, helps guarantee China's energy security, and provides operational experience in protecting China's sea lines of communication.

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